A club for climbers, walkers, and mountaineers.


If you are new to climbing

If you would like to join the club we usually suggest that you first gain some basic climbing skills. Our friends at Essex Sport run monthly courses at the university climbing wall, which will teach you everything you need to get going. Details and sign-up can be found at University of Essex Climbing Wall. Once you have completed a course we'd love to see you at one of our regular sessions and to have you sign up as a member. In the meantime, if you would like to talk to anyone about climbing, or our club generally, we would be delighted to hear from you. Just drop us an email.

If you are already a competent climber

You're very welcome to join us at any of our sessions, but please email us to arrange this so that we can ensure that a committee member is available to meet you. We meet on Thursday evenings from 8pm to 10pm at the Essex University Sports Centre. If you haven't climbed there before, please arrive 10 minutes early to complete the sports centre competency test at reception. (The university is currently working on an online competency test which you will be able to do in advance.)

We have harnesses, belay devices, and ropes you can use during the session, but if you have your own please bring them.

Please note that the session currently costs £8 for non-members and this must be paid in cash (we do not currently have card facilities).

Annual membership is at a cost of £36 for the calendar year. If you join after 30th June, this is reduced to £18 for that year only. The club is able to offer a discount if you are unemployed. Please contact the membership secretary for details.

To apply for membership please complete the online membership form and either make payment to a member of the committee, or directly transfer your membership fee (please email us for bank details).

If you have questions about membership please contact us or talk to a committee member.

Online Membership Form

Club Constitution and Rules

Club Privacy Policy

Members climbing Crackstone Rib, Severe 4a, on a trip to North Wales.

Members climbing Crackstone Rib, Severe 4a, on a trip to North Wales.